DTI Fully Acquires HVP Global
January 19th, 2015
Dean Technology, Inc. (DTI) is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of all the equity in HVP Global, LLC (HVP). For the past eight years we have been fortunate to share in the ownership, management, and development of HVP in partnership with UltraVolt, Inc. (UV).
Dean Technology, Inc. (DTI) is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of all the equity in HVP Global, LLC (HVP). For the past eight years we have been fortunate to share in the ownership, management, and development of HVP in partnership with UltraVolt, Inc. (UV). This joint venture has grown beyond our expectations to become a significant hub for a thriving network of international sales companies focused on the high voltage and pulse power industries. Through the cooperation and collaboration with UV, HVP is ready to flourish into the future, building on continued growth and exceptional customers in all covered markets.
UltraVolt, Inc. and Dean Technology worked together on an opportunity to sell UV’s interest in HVP Global to DTI, and as on December 31, 2014 the transaction was completed, leaving DTI as the sole owner. We know that guiding and directing HVP into the future without the direct managerial support of UV will present new challenges but we are confident that we are up to the task, and are excited by all of the possibilities.
UltraVolt will continue to be involved with HVP as a trusted and valued supplier. UV products will continue to be available through all HVP offices around the world. Their world-leading high voltage power supplies, unparalleled technical expertise, and unwavering customer support will continue to enhance the HVP offering as it always has. Everyone within the Dean Technology and HVP organization is grateful to have their continued affiliation.
We are confident that this transition will have minimal impact on any of our valued customers or partners, and we will work diligently to ensure that all of you see continued success in working with HVP. If you have any questions or concerns, please let your HVP sales contact know, or feel free to reach out to me directly. I look forward to working with all of you in the exciting times ahead.