Patents Issued for new Power Supply Technologies
November 7th, 2018

Dean Technology, Inc., today announced that it has been issued three US patents for technology relating to high voltage power supplies. The patents are the first ever issued to the company and represent the initial results of heavy research and development for the past few years. The technological advancements encompassed in these inventions will be incorporated into the new generation of off the shelf high voltage power supplies that the company will release in the coming months.
Dean Technology, Inc., today announced that it has been issued three US patents for technology relating to high voltage power supplies. The patents are the first ever issued to the company and represent the initial results of heavy research and development for the past few years. The technological advancements encompassed in these inventions will be incorporated into the new generation of off the shelf high voltage power supplies that the company will release in the coming months.
Patent 10,108,210 is for a digital high voltage power supply. This technology utilizes a microprocessor to manage and control all the necessary functions of a high voltage power supply. This design methodology allows unique features and greater flexibility, never before seen in this type of product.
The next patent 9,866,116 covers digitally variable slope compensation circuits. This design uses a digital controller to ensure steady and consistent power output in the event of an adjustable or inconsistent input voltage. When used in a power supply this can increase performance by reducing oscillation and instability of the output, while maintaining higher levels of efficiency than traditional designs.
The final patent 10,027,227 is for a power supply with digitally variable slope compensation circuit. This protects the use of the technology specified in the prior patent within a power supply.
“The technology we are developing while producing the next generation of high voltage power supplies is simply incredible,” says Craig Dean, CEO of Dean Technology, Inc. “We are able to get significant flexibility and new features beyond what is currently on the market. We will continue to invest and invent and are eager to show our customers just what we’ll be able to offer them in the near future.”
Dean Technology has developed a full line of standard high voltage power supplies using these unique and cutting-edge concepts that are planned for release early in 2019. These products are the first release in an expansive roadmap that the company has planned for its HVPSI high voltage power supply product line, including standard and custom products that will cover all aspects of the market.
The company also has a number of other patents applications in process and is firm in its commitment to continue innovating and incorporating new technologies into future offerings. Detailed information about Dean Technology’s patent portfolio are available on their website at