

  • TY2Y5P models are offered with K (± 10%), M (± 20%), and Z (+80%, -20%) capacitance tolerances. Substitute the “•” in the part number with the preferred tolerance. Contact the factory for additional details.


DESCRIPTION specification conditions VALUE
Minimum Lead Length LDimension 25 mm
Maximum Diameter DDimension 10 mm
Lead Diameter dDimension - Typical 0.6 mm
Capacitance Value C330 pF
Capacitance Tolerance TOLPlus or Minus K,M,Z %
Rated Voltage VRATED10000 V
Dielectric Withstand Voltage VWITHSTAND15000 V
Maximum Height HDimension 13 mm
Maximum Thickness TDimension 8 mm
Lead SpacingLsDimension - ± 1.5mm tolerance10 mm