

Standard Power Supply Feature Comparison

This chart shows the most important standard and optional features of all of Dean Technology’s standard high voltage power supplies. The different attributes of each series can be easily compared to assist with selecting the best product.


Recent Product Releases (May 2017)

This short form catalog covers recent product releases that are not in other catalogs as of May 2017. It includes axial lead and surface mount high voltage diodes, miniature high voltage power supplies, and high voltage ceramic capacitor stacks.


Recent Product Releases (June 2018)

This short form catalog covers recent product releases that are not in other catalogs as of June 2018. It includes surface mount high voltage diodes, miniature high voltage power supplies, high voltage ceramic capacitor stacks, high voltage optical switches, and axial lead diodes featuring our new XOE high performance technology.


Power Supplies and Test Equipment

This short form catalog covers the standard products in the HVPSI product line. It includes AC/DC and DC/DC high voltage power supplies as well as high voltage test equipment.


Power Electronic Components (2015)

This short form catalog covers high current and power components in the CKE product line. It includes the standard component offerings for planar components, power modules, stud mounted diodes, as well as thyristor and diode capsules.


Components and Assemblies (2013)

This long form catalog covers most of Dean Technology’s standard product offerings in the CKE and HVCA product lines. Focusing on high voltage rectifiers, high voltage capacitors, high current assemblies, and suppression products.
