- TY4Y5P models are offered with K (± 10%), M (± 20%), and Z (+80%, -20%) capacitance tolerances. Substitute the “•” in the part number with the preferred tolerance. Contact the factory for additional details.
DESCRIPTION | specification | conditions | VALUE |
Minimum Lead Length | L | Dimension | 25 mm |
Maximum Diameter | D | Dimension | 30 mm |
Lead Diameter | d | Dimension - Typical | 0.7 mm |
Capacitance Value | C | 3300 pF | |
Capacitance Tolerance | TOL | Plus or Minus | K,M,Z % |
Rated Voltage | VRATED | 12000 V | |
Dielectric Withstand Voltage | VWITHSTAND | 24000 V | |
Maximum Height | H | Dimension | 34 mm |
Maximum Thickness | T | Dimension | 10 mm |
Lead Spacing | Ls | Dimension - ± 1.5mm tolerance | 12.5 mm |