

  • Append -5 or -10 for 5 or 10 volt scale for controls and monitors followed by L (default enable) or H (default disable). Other hardware options available, see datasheet for details. IMON for -10 option, at maximum output current will read 1.33V on 4W models, 6.67V on 20W models, and 10.0V on 30W models. Half for -5 options.


DESCRIPTION specification conditions VALUE
Operational Temperature RangeOP TEMPFull Load-40 to 60 °C
Operational HumidityHumidityNon Condensing0 to 95 %
Operating AltitudeAltitudeSea Level to Vacuum
Storage Temperature RangeSTORAGE TEMP °C
Input VoltageVINominal24 V
Input VoltageVIFull Output Power23 - 31 V
Input VoltageVIDerated Output Power12 - 32 V
Maximum Input CurrentIIStandby / Output Disable60 mA
Maximum Input CurrentIINo Load, Max Vout145 mA
Maximum Input CurrentIIMax Load, Max Vout1150 mA
Maximum Input AC Ripple CurrentIACRNominal Input, Full Load100 mA PP
Maximum Output VoltageVO-4000 V
Maximum Output PowerPO20 W
Maximum Output CurrentIO5.00 mA
RippleRipple (LF)1 Hz to 1 kHz (Full Load, Nominal Input)0.090 % VPP
RippleRipple (LF)1 kHz to 1 MHz (Full Load, Nominal Input)0.014 % VPP
Output CapacitanceCO0.0034 µF
Arc Limiting ResistanceRAL2700 Ω
Current Monitor ScalingIMONFull Scale Signal - 5 V Reference Option0.75 mA / V
Current Monitor ScalingIMONFull Scale Signal - 10 V Reference Option1.50 mA / V
Voltage Monitor ScalingVMONFull Scale Signal - 5 V Reference Option800 V / V
Voltage Monitor ScalingVMONFull Scale Signal - 10 V Reference Option400 V / V
Operational Temperature RangeOp Temp CaseCase Temperature at Full Load-40 to 80 °C
Temp CoefficientTCOEFF50 PPM / °C
Case DimensionsCase DimensionsMetric81.15 L x 68.33 W x 30.85 H mm
WeightWeightMetric400 g